How We Can Develop A Sustainable Future Through A Renewable Energy Alternative Energy alternative sources and complimentary technologies are becoming increasingly important to our survival on this planet. Not only is the supply of fossil fuels diminishing on a day to day basis, but the burning of the fuel which is left is wreaking havoc with our environment. The need has never been greater for us to develop the technologies which will allow us to switch from a fossil fuel based economy and society, to one which will eventually function completely on renewable energy sources. This switch will be possible if the problem is tackled as a matter of urgency, and renewable energy technology is becoming a huge growth industry. It will obviously not be possible to switch completely to alternative sources energy immediately. At this moment in time, the expense of producing energy using renewable sources is far higher than the expense of traditional energy. Alternative source energy will need to be phased in gradually, as technology improves and the possibility of cheap mass production increases. Some of the most poluted cities in the world are in third world countries, and it is hard to see how their problems can be solved without special programs and incentives. Alternative power energy programs are currently only possible with special help from government funding, although there is an ever growing private sector of companies forever improving this technology. As with conventional power sources, there are some environments which are especially suited to the application of different technologies, and these are likely to be used as the testing grounds for new developments. Some areas have exceptionally high levels of sunlight, for example, making them especially suitable for solar power. In areas where solar power will never be the optimal source of energy, there is often a higher potential for wind power. In the long term quest for a sustainable future, it seems likely that combining different types of alternative renewable energy will produce the best result. Our planet has large land locked areas which have high temperatures and a lot of sunlight, and also areas where the winds are especially strong. These are usually offshore and in more northerly areas of the globe. Renewable alternative energies have the definite potential to provide all of the power we need, if they are properly applied. A combination of solar and wind energy, with hydrogen used as a storage facility, can produce more energy than the entire human race will ever need or use. When it comes to the production of energy renewable sources are clearly where the future lies, the key is to make sure that the best technologies are applied in areas where they will produce the greatest benefit. The good news is that there are many organizations worldwide who are making significant progress in developing the technologies which will provide us with the much needed sustainable energy alternative.